You don't have to be a writer to make thousands of $ dollars consistently on Amazon. Discover how to write and publish from your mobile phone or computer. Our Kindle Direct Publishing training is accessible wherever you are.
Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing is a platform that allows anyone who wishes to make money writing, self-publish and distribute their books digitally, reaching a worldwide/global audience of Kindle e-reader and app users, just from the comfort of their home. The process involves creating an eBook, setting a price, and making it available for purchase on the Kindle Store. Here’s a brief overview of how you can earn in dollars through Amazon KDP even if you are not a writer:
Amazon KDP stands out from other online businesses because of its simple nature. It’s stress-free and less time consuming, offering higher payouts in dollars without requiring any startup capital. You don’t need to be a graphic designer or a writer to start publishing. This makes it a versatile platform for creators with different skill levels and backgrounds.
We are the ‘Internet Technology and Digital Science (ITECDISCI) Consult,’ your go-to IT specialists for internet products. Introducing our Amazon Training, we leverage our expertise to empower your journey in the world of e-commerce and digital publishing on Amazon.
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